Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cub Scout in the White House

Once upon a time, Barack Hussein Obama was a Cub Scout in Indonesia. There are 28 million Scouts worldwide today; 8 million of those Scouts are in Indonesia, compared to almost 6 million in the United States.

Say what I will about our Socialist-in-Chief, I hold onto a small piece of hope that something in BHO's Scouting experience may temper his baser instincts. I saw a reference here to a Brit blogger who gives us a Scout Assoc. of the UK press release with the details.

President Gerald Ford was an Eagle Scout and several other Presidents were involved in Scouting throughout their lives. The President of the United States is also the honory head of the Boy Scouts of America, although some far-left special interest groups have been urging BHO to decline this honor. So far the BSA has been quiet on the subject.

The Dallas Morning News reports on Gov. Rick Perry's welcome to the former occupant on his return to Texas after the inaugaration:
Tuesday, the man elevated into the job as governor when Bush became president recalled how Bush urged him to keep the state in good shape for his return.

"He looked me in the eye before he left and said, 'Perry, I want you to be a good Boy Scout. And Boy Scouts leave their camp better than they found it,' " Perry said. "Texas is a better place than when George left it."

We will see how the current Scout-in-Chief leaves his camp in turn.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Be Prepared

A Scout is Trustworty, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.

John Shepard
Committee Chair, Pack 25
Scoutmaster, Troop 25
Buffalo Ridge District, Sioux Council
"Used to be an Owl, a good old Owl, too"